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House Curious

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Filtering by Tag: meat free monday

Turmeric Coconut Dahl

Sommer Pyne


Looking for #meatfreemonday inspiration that will brighten up the rainiest of days? Then look no further, we’re sharing another yummy recipe the lovely Erica from Naturally Nourished., over to you Erica.

Dahl has to be one of my go-to’s for a quick, full flavoured, protein and fibre packed meal. I’m a big fan of food that has ‘scoopability’ factor where knives are not needed in the mix! The sautéed kale adds some green goodness and texture and the acidity of the tomatoes cut through the creamy coconut, adding some freshness and bringing the dish to life. Add fresh chillis if you like a little extra fire! Ginger and turmeric are very grounding spices and add a soothing, subtle warmth to your belly. 

Dahl freezes well so you can make a big batch and have some ready for those nights you don’t feel like getting your cook on!

Prep time: 15 minutes   cook time: 30 minutes   serves: 4


400g red lentils

1 medium onion ~ diced

4 cloves garlic ~ minced

6 leaves of cavolo nero kale (stalks discarded) ~ sliced

1 large tomato ~ finely diced

5cm piece of fresh ginger root ~ peeled & minced/grated

1 tsp Himalayan salt

Pinch of black pepper

1 Tbsp ground turmeric

1 tsp ground cumin

2 tsp ground coriander

2 tsp nigella seeds (black onion seeds)

Small bunch of fresh coriander ~ finely chopped

1 Tbsp coconut oil

1L water

400ml coconut milk

2 Tbsp natural unsweetened yogurt (or coconut yogurt if vegan)




1.    Add most of the coconut oil (save some to sauté the kale!) to a medium/large saucepan over medium heat. Add the garlic, ginger, turmeric, ground coriander, cumin, black pepper and onion. Cook for 3 minutes until onions becomes translucent and the spices smell fragrant. Stir regularly.

2.    Add the lentils and salt and cover with the water. Bring to the boil and then reduce the heat. Add the coconut milk and let it simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3.    Then place a small frying pan over medium heat, add the remaining coconut oil and the kale. Cook for 5 minutes and stir regularly.

4.    Serve up in bowls and top with the tomato, kale, a swirl of yogurt, the fresh coriander and a sprinkle of nigella seeds. Sit back and enjoy!

Recipe and words by Erica Rodriguez - Naturally Nourished

Sale Price: £8.00 Original Price: £17.00