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House Curious

Lifestyle and interior shop. Social workshops for the creatively curious.

Filtering by Tag: happy hour

Turmeric Bloody Mary

Sommer Pyne

This week for Cocktail Hour we have the lovely Erica from @naturallynourishedlondon who has created a delicious Bloody Mary with a little healthy twist. Head over to IGTV to meet Erica and see our cocktail demonstration. Over to you Erica….

Who loves a Bloody Mary with brunch? I do! This cocktail is a little twist on the classic Bloody Mary! I’ve opted for gin in place of vodka and added an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant hit with a touch of turmeric. The fresh horseradish gives it an extra kick and being part of the cruciferous family it’ll help your liver along with detoxification!

Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, another potent antioxidant and anti-aging nutrient. Cocktails that also hold some nutritional value…. I’m in! Enjoy!

Erica x

Prep time: 10 minutes    make time: 5 minutes    serves: 2


600ml tomato juice

2 double measures of gin

1 Tbsp fresh horseradish ~ grated

1 lemon ~ halved (half for juice and half for garnish)

2 sticks of celery

1 Tsp of ground turmeric

8 dashes of Worcester sauce

10 dashes of tobasco (or more if you prefer it a little more spicy!)

½ Tsp Himalayan salt

½ Tsp black pepper

1 cup of ice



1. Squeeze the juice from half the lemon and add to a high-speed blender along with all the other ingredients and half the ice. Blend until the ice has broken down.

2. Divide the rest of the ice between 2 highball glasses, top up with the Bloody Mary mixture and garnish with a stick of celery, a wedge of lemon and a sprinkle of black pepper! Cheers!


Sale Price: £30.00 Original Price: £54.95

Happy Hour - World Gin Day - Grapefruit Collins

Sommer Pyne

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We’re celebrating World Gin Day (8th June) with our twist on a Tom Collins, super refreshing using grapefruit and a rosemary infused simple sugar syrup. We recommend pre-making the simple sugar syrup and store in the fridge. Follow along with Sommer on IGTV for all the tips and tricks.

Simple syrup infused with rosemary

Simple syrup infused with rosemary

Serves: 1 Tall Glass
Time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Simple Syrup

Prep - 5 mins

Cook - 6 mins

Ingredients for simple syrup :

  • 1 cup water

  • 1 cup white sugar

  • 1/4 cup rosemary leaves


  1. Combine water, sugar, and rosemary leaves in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat and let syrup steep, about 30 minutes.

  2. Pour the syrup into a sterilised glass jar through a mesh strainer to remove rosemary leaves; let cool.

Ingredients for the cocktails :

  • 50ml Gin

  • 100ml Grapefruit juice (even better freshly squeezed)

  • 30ml Simple syrup infused with Rosemary (recipe above)

  • Club Soda

  • Rosemary sprig, for garnish

  • Wedge of Grapefruit , for garnish


  1. Combine first 3 ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.  Shake vigorously to combine.  

  2. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice.  

  3. Top with soda and garnish with rosemary sprig and wedge of grapefruit.

Sale Price: £7.00 Original Price: £12.99
Sale Price: £15.00 Original Price: £45.00

Happy Hour - Strawberry and Basil Margarita

Sommer Pyne

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It’s happy hour here at House Curious and we have a delicious and refreshing Strawberry and Basil Margarita recipe for you. The perfect summer cocktail which is super easy to make and you can follow along with Sommer over on IGTV. It’s a fun twist on a classic and a great way to use seasonal strawberries. So, why not have a go yourself for your next summer soirée

Serves: 2 Margarita
Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy


  • 2 large handfuls of strawberries

  • 100ml blanco tequila

  • 50ml Cointreau

  • Juice of 1 lime

  • 1 tbsp honey (raw if you have it)

  • 3-4 basil sprigs

  • Handful of ice

  • Salt flakes

  • Zest of 1 lime

  • 1 lime for the glass


  1. Ground the Salt and zest of 1 lime in a mortar and pestle. Place on a small side plate that is wider than the diameter of the margarita glass. Make sure you have enough so that the salt covers the plate and is about 0.5cm deep.

  2. Cut 1 of the limes in half and rub it around the edge of your margarita glass, then dip each glass into the plate of salt and lime to cover the rim in a layer.

  3. Place the strawberries, basil, tequila, cointreau, lime juice, honey and a few handfuls of ice (6-8 cubes) into a blender. Blend thoroughly on high.

  4. Pour into the salted glasses and serve immediately.

Tip: Add slices of strawberry and small sprig of basil as a garnish to serve.