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House Curious

Lifestyle and interior shop. Social workshops for the creatively curious.

Filtering by Tag: cerviche


Sommer Pyne

House Curious

House Curious

Ceviche salmon Larb with Lime Caviar

 Hands down this is one of my favourite dishes and it’s my take on a traditional Thai dish called Lamb Gai. It’s light but packs a punch in flavour. In true Thai style it’s spicy, sour, salty and a little sweet. The flavours literally dance on your tongue. Once you get the hang of it this is so simple to pull to together and is great for casual entertaining with a beer or as a starter to a three course meal. You can follow along with Sommer on IGTV but don’t forget to like or comment below.


1 extra large fillet of Sushi grade Salmon

Baby Gem lettuce washed and divided

1-2 Finger limes

Handful of fresh mint

Handful of fresh Coriander

2 x red chilli ( 1 if you don’t want it too spicy)

½ x shallot

½ x red onion

100ml Lemon Juice

100ml lime juice

Teaspoon of sugar or honey

Tablespoon of white wine vinegar

Tablespoon of Fish sauce.

For the garnish:

Finger Lime caviar

Fried onion

Chopped pistachios

Micro herbs

Lime wedges

House Curious

House Curious


1.     To make the marinade take the mint, coriander, red chilli, red onion, shallot and chop finely. Add all the chopped ingredients to a large bowl.

2.     Add the sugar, lemon juice, lime juice, white wine vinegar and fish sauce to the bowl, and give it a good mix. Taste and adjust the flavour as you need too and place to one side.

3.     On a clean board chop the salmon into small cubes.

4.     Add the salmon to the marinade and give it a good mix to ensure all the salmon is coated in the marinade and pop it in the fridge for 5 mins to work it’s magic.

5.     In the meantime, wash and divide the lettuce and prepare the garnishes.

6.     Assemble by placing the ceviche in the lettuce leaves and top with the garnishes. Cut in half the finger lime and squeeze out the pods and place on top.

 Enjoy x


House Curious

House Curious

Sale Price: £55.00 Original Price: £99.00
Sale Price: £5.00 Original Price: £10.00
Sale Price: £15.00 Original Price: £27.00