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House Curious

Lifestyle and interior shop. Social workshops for the creatively curious.

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Sommer Pyne

It’s Wednesday and I’m chatting about Sunday. Don’t worry I haven’t lost my mind I’m just doing a little forward thinking to help you prep for a beautiful sunday that’s centred around you. Sunday is one of my favourite days of the week. It’s the day I focus a little on me, setting myself up for the week ahead. If I don’t take time out for myself I tend to have a breakdown midweek and it’s all a bit too much. Let’s face it most of the time we’re juggling many different hats and rushing here and there, looking after the important people in our lives. How often do you take an hour or two out just for you (and not feel guilty)? For me Sunday is self-care Sunday and it always starts with a bath, music, my favourite Fig and Yarrow Love bath salts, essential oils and a candle. I’m also working on my personal goals at the moment to give me more focus and direction. If I have purpose in my life and a goal to work towards it makes me feel calm and in control. You can get my free guide here on how to create goals that set you heart on fire and a vision board to help bring it to life.

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First things first, book some time out in your diary on Sunday and treat it like you would any other important appointment. Discuss it with your partner in crime and make sure its in their diary too and if you have kids its over to them or your family, friends to take them off your hands for a few hours. Whatever your situation is make sure you have some free time and all the help you need to make this happen. You may be reading this and thinking this sounds ridiculous but trust me you will feel great for it and it’ll set you up for a great week. It may feel indulgent but that’s the whole point. You totally deserve this and you will be a much happier partner, friend and mother etc Now, that you have space for you each week booked in the diary here are my top tips for carving out some much needed time just for you. We like to call it #selfcaresunday - this was actually inspired by Melissa Ambrosini who is an absolute Goddess of positivity. My interpretation of this is to indulge and pamper myself but your idea of #selfcaresunday may be something totally different. How you do it is personal to you, so take on my tips but ultimately I just want you to do what makes you happy. So if you want to join me for #selfcaresunday this sunday head over to my Bathe and Beauty section and order some goodies. Tag me in any instagram post with #selfcaresunday. It’s all about being prepped so when Sunday comes along you have no excuses. If you order today you’ll have your products by Friday. If you already have your own beauty products to hand then you’re one step closer. Here are some of the things that I like to do to take care of me….

  • Block off some time (hopefully this is already in the diary) - This is your time, so ask yourself what is it that I most need right now. Do you need to relax and give yourself a little pamper or do you need to laugh or you may just need to sit in a cafe on your own with your fave book. Only you can answer this.

  • Losing yourself in a podcast is a great distraction from our daily grind and can help shift your mind to a positive place. Some of my favourites are Tony Robins, Happy Place by Fearne Cotton, The guilty Feminist, Melissa Ambrosini, Nick Broadhurst,Ted Talks, The High Low

  • I love a bath because it’s relaxing and I seem to be my most creative when I’m in the bath. I love using our pink love salts and our matcha milk from Fig and Yarrow. I have my music playing and I read. I always look forward to this time and feel super relaxed afterwards.

  • I’m terrible at taking my makeup off or giving my skin any extra attention and then I wonder why it gets irritated. So now I try to put some time aside at least once a month where I put on a face and hair mask. With this cold weather I like to inject some moisture with a hydrating face mask. and hair mask Why not even go one step further and shave your legs ;) Or why not get Blow LTD to come to your home for a pamper session for the ultimate indulgence.

  • Another thing I love to do is go to the movies on a rainy day when everyone is at work. I grab a glass of wine and popcorn and lose myself in a movie. I used to hate being on my own when I was young but it now feels like a real treat to be on my own.

  • Breathing is so important but I didn’t know just how important it was until I had a breath coaching session with Stuart from Breath Pod. Yes we need to breath to live but did you know that it could help with your health and wellbeing? Stuart from Breath Pod says it can help with increased productivity, communication, confidence,­ focus, alleviate stress, anxiety, fatigue and help reduce negative emotions such as anger, fear, frustration and depression. My session was incredible and by the end of it I felt the most relaxed i’ve ever felt.


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